TNUIFSL follows the guidelines for procurement of goods and services stipulated by the World Bank.
- Procurement of goods and works will follow the “ Guidelines for Procurement under International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Loans and International Development Association (IDA) Credits” January 1995 and subsequently revised in January / August 1996, September 1997 and January 1999.
- The Consultants will be selected and employed according to the “Guidelines for selection and Employment of Consultants” by World Bank Borrowers of January 1997 and revised in September 1997 as well as their addenda issued in January 1999.
International Competitive Bidding (ICB)
- Open to all eligible bidders with an element of domestic preference.
- Generally for works of more than US $ 10,000,000.
- For all the works where supplies need import irrespective of value.
- For contracts in which foreign firms are expected to participate.
For invitation of bids under this procedure,
- The General procurement notice followed by Invitation for bid (IFB) shall be published in United Nations Development Business (UNDB)
- IFB should be sent to embassies of all World Bank member countries and
- IFB should be published in National newspapers with wide circulation.
National Competitive Bidding (NCB)
Bids for works of value between US $ 30,000 and 10,000,000 are invited under this NCB procedure.
- Foreign bidders can also participate.
- There will be no domestic preference.
- Payments will be only in Indian rupees.
Following points are also considered to opt for NCB procedure.
- Works are labour intensive.
- Goods and works are available.
- Foreign firms are not likely to be interested.
- The IFB should be published in newspapers having a wide circulation in the country.
- For works of value from US $ 30,000 to 500,000 the IFB shall be published in regional newspapers.
- For works of value less than US$30,000 the IFB shall be published in city press and displayed in Notice Boards.
Other methods of Procurement
This includes shopping (National / International), Direct contracting etc. While “shopping” procedures is adopted for purchase of vehicles etc, other method “Force Account” etc are not being followed in TNUIFSL. Most of the bids invited in TNUIFSL are under “National Competitive Bidding” process only and the World Banks standard bid document of W2 format will be used.
- Minimum qualification criteria shall be fixed in all cases to ensure selection of bidders with appropriate financial and technical capability.
- Award shall be made to the lowest evaluated responsive bidder meeting the specified qualification criteria in the bid document.
- No restriction in the sale of bidding documents.
- No preference to any bidder.
- No price negotiations.
- Two or three envelope system is not acceptable in works contracts.
- Evaluation criteria shall be clearly defined in documents.
Depending upon the size of the package, different bid documents are used for procurement of works, goods, vehicles and equipments. Model bid documents W1 (NCB for civil works costing the equivalent of US$ 100,000 and below), W2 (NCB for civil works costing over US$100,000) and W5 (Civil works under National Shopping for works valued less than the equivalent of US$30,000) will be generally used for the procurement of civil works.
For selection and employment of consultants, quality and Cost Based Selection (QCBS) method is broadly followed.
Short list among rational consultant will be applied to the consulting assignments valued upto US $ 2,00,000 and short list among international consultant will be applied to the consulting assignments valued above US $ 2,00,000.
C-13 & C-17 documents are used for selection of consultants by QCBS method.